Medical duration FAR 61.23
Asked by: tommytom 6147 views FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor
Please explain if I am incorrect. I have heard it explained that medicals can downgrade or revert over time. I have a problem with using the term “reverting”. I read FAR 61.23 differently. Question. Does the medical revert or downgrade in class at all? For example. A commercial pilot with a CFI rating under the age of 40 gets a first class medical. After the end of the 12th calendar month his/her medical “remains” a first class but can only perform the duties of a private, instrument, flight instructor etc. for an additional 48 months. Or in other words a first or second class medical remains a first or second class medical for a total of 60 months if you are only acting as a private pilot, etc.. It seems to me to be more like a restriction on how a person can “conduct an operation” over time and not a change in class. A first class medical is good and remains to be a first class for 60 months (under age 40) however forget “conducting an operation” requiring an commercial pilot certificate after 12 months (except for flight instructors). A person would need to go back and get another first or second class medical to “conduct an operation” “requiring” a commercial pilot certificate. The Majority of you reading this have way more experience and education than myself. I walked away from aviation in 2001 under the old regs that used to down grade and revert. I returned last year to a lot of changes and I am still not 100% sure that I understand the medical duration far 61.23. But the way that I’m reading it I don’t see downgrading or reverting. Thank you for any comments
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