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Mid-field departure and time of departure…

Asked by: 3574 views Airspace, FAA Regulations, General Aviation

Student pilot...ASEL....going for checkride in two weeks..allready asked my instructor this question, but he is unsure and was vague... My DPE is apparently a stickler for how the time is calculated for the cross country. He (apparently) makes you take off, then fly back over the middle of the airport.  Once you are mid-field, you then start your time and announce your time for the cross country portion of the flight. How should I go back to mid-field? Should I turn left (its left traffic at this uncontrolled airport) and turn cross wind, and then downwind and then overfly the top of the airport at mid-field while departing? Should I turn right  as if departing to the right, and then fly back until I am at mid-field? Totally baffled by this one... Thanks,  

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1 Answers

  1. Jeffrey A. Baylor on Jan 19, 2014

    If… I understand your question. My first recommendation is to get another DPE. THEY work for you!!!! Most examiners are quite easy to deal with and very very professional. The requirement to overfly the “middle” of the airport is an asinine notion. One also need not “Announce” your cross country time. Your departure time should be entered upon liftoff. Arrival time at touchdown. (For flight only purposes). Proper pre-flight planning and times can be rather accurately calculated and timed from the takeoff, departure, enroute, arrival, and landing phases of flight. The key is good pilot planning (calculation)! If…. you wish to continue this crazy notion… Fly the appropriate pattern for the airport and start your time at the desired point on the upwind leg over the airport. Please depart the airport in accordance with good procedure (Traffic pattern departure) as explained in the AIM for your airport. Additionally, there is something called a PTS (Practical Test Standard) and it explains the “Standards” for the conduct of a Practical Test (Checkride). If it isn’t in the guide, he cannot ask it of you. If… your instructor hasn’t made sure you are completely familiar with the PTS, get another instructor prior to checkride.

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