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Is there any weather briefing checklist available on the net that helps us to check the wx systematically? If any one knows of any link, please share with us. The aviation wx info available seems overwhelming and I am sure there get to be an easier way to check the wx in a similar way we conduct our preflight, engine start..etc. Many pilots start with taking a look at the wx big picture but why waste the time if METAR or TAF shows the destination is way below the landing min. Would it be time saving to start first with the wx items that determine the go/no go decision before we look to anything else??!!

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3 Answers

  1. John D Collins on Oct 13, 2013

    The full briefing provided by CSC DUAT at http://www.duats.com does just that. It starts with the departure METAR and TAF with the list of NOTAMS for the departure airport, followed by exactly the same stuff for the destination, followed by the area forecasts and so on.

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  2. Mark Kolber on Oct 14, 2013

    Lion, I understand your question. The problem is that what determines the “no go” decision is going to be different for different pilots and in different situations.

    An IFR or MVFR departure airport METAR or TAF might be a no go for you but not for me. Bright sunny departure and destination forecasts might sound like a go for everyone, but what about those turbulence en route AIRMET? Or those high winds aloft in the mountainous terrain you want to cross? IFR weather for the whole flight? Just fine for an instrument pilot but not if accompanied by below zero temperatures in those same clouds.

    Point is, the no go item might be in a METAR or TAF, in the area forecast, in the AIRMET or SIGMET, in the winds aloft, or in other places in a standard briefing (or even outside of it).

    So, good modifications by some providers, such as CSC which John mentions, aside, your “streamlining” will mean extra work for someone else. There’s no one flavor that will satisfy everyone. So the standard briefing generally takes a big picture to small detail approach. The nice thing about the online providers is that you can search for what makes a difference to you that day and for that flight.

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  3. Gary Moore on Oct 15, 2013

    this is also useful…


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