Please check if I have the correct understanding about the ELT
Asked by: Lion 4095 views Aircraft Systems, Commercial Pilot, FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor, General Aviation, Instrument Rating, Private Pilot, Student Pilot
1. The batteries of an ELT must be replaced after 50% of their usable life is gone OR after the ELT has been active for 1 hour or more (Operators must record the date of replacing the batteries on the unit as well as in the log). 2. The ELT unit must be inspected at least once every 12 months. 3. Planes flying a scheduled air carrier flight and some turbo-jet powered aircrafts do not need to have ELTs. 4. Planes used for training within 50 miles of the local airport, and planes used to dust crops with chemicals for agriculture purposes are not required to have ELTs.
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