Replacing a Garmin 595 GPS with iPad/Foreflight/Dual GPS
Asked by: Ryan Harvey 10077 views Private Pilot
I currently fly VFR with a Garmin 595 GPS (it's like the 596, but without weather). I also use an iPad and Foreflight for flight planning and in-cockpit charts and situational awareness. As Foreflight becomes more powerful, I become more and more tempted to get rid of the Garmin entirely. I suppose I trust it a bit more as a GPS (no evidence to support this) but I am turned off by the fact that annual updates to the Garmin cost $500, while all the same information is updated in Foreflight for $75 a year. If I do get rid of the Garmin, I would buy a dedicated GPS (the Dual) to give my iPad a GPS signal. Has anyone done this? Would you recommend it, or recommend against it?
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