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2 Answers

MEI/I needs CFII add on – MEII from MILCOMP ruling

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Flight Instructor

I received my multi-engine instructor with instrument through the military comp. rules that were published in 2008 via Seattle FSDO some years back.   I received the MEI/I vice SEL CFII due to my time in the military as a multi-engine IP.  Unfortunately, the new FAA rule does not give us both SEL CFII and MEL if we were only a multi engine instructor in the military.  Therefore, I need an ADD check ride with a DPE to add the ability to instruct in a SEL aircraft.  Has anyone gone through this process and does anyone have a good POC in the Ridgecrest, CA area?  (Mojave Desert area)

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2 Answers

  1. Wes Beard on Sep 19, 2013

    To rephrase the certificates and rating you currently hold. Commercial / ATP ASEL, AMEL, and Instrument Rating. Flight Instructor AME and Instrument Rating.

    You are seeking a Flight Instructor ASE add-on rating.

    If this is the case, you find out what you need to study based on the additional rating task table in the Flight instructor PTS. Page 43 is for adding a ASE rating and select the AME column since you already have that rating.


    You will have to be quite familiar with runway incursions and logbook entries and endorsements. In the flight portion, you will need to be proficient in takeoffs and landings, performance maneuvers, eights on pylons, slow flight and stalls, and emergency procedures.

    I don’t live in CA but you can search the DPE database for examiners in your area. A call to one of them and they can recommend the best schools for you to attend since they deal with most of the schools in the area. It looks like you are in the Los Angeles FSDO area so when you search you can select the WP23 FSDO.


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  2. Matthew Menza on Sep 19, 2013

    Mr. Beard,

    Thank you for the information. I’ve called one DPE from a local DPE search via the FAA website, but did not received a response. I will try another one. I’m brushing up on all the maneuvers in a C172 and should be ready to take the ASE add on soon.

    Again, thank you for the info. Much appreciated.
    – Matt

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