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5 Answers

Logging PIC time

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FAA Regulations

Hello, I am having a hard time finding an answer to this question regarding logging PIC time. I am trying to build my PIC cross country time, and have a friend who owns a cessna 210 in which I fly frequently. I have my high performance and complex rating however, have never been officially checked out in a cessna 210 as I received these ratings in a C182. My question is can I legally log the time I am sole manipulator of the controls when flying the C210 with my friend even though I have never received an official check out in this specific aircraft? If I am reading the regulations right, I have a SEL complex and high performance rating which allows me to log PIC in any aircraft in that category. Is this correct? Thank you for the help.

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5 Answers

  1. Kris Kortokrax on Aug 06, 2013

    High performance and complex are endorsements, not ratings. They do not appear on your pilot certificate. They are necessary to ACT as PIC, not to LOG PIC. If your pilot certificate shows Airplane Single Engine Land, you may log time spent as sole manipulator of the controls in a Cessna 210 as PIC time.

    That does not mean that you may automatically log it as PIC cross country time. See 61.1. In order to log PIC cross country time, you would need to be sole manipulator for the whole flight, to include takeoff and landing, as well as being responsible for the navigation in order to log PIC time. Merely manipulating the controls for a portion of the flight would not allow you to log cross country PIC time.

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  2. Mark Kolber on Aug 06, 2013

    My question is can I legally log the time I am sole manipulator of the controls when flying the C210 with my friend even though I have never received an official check out in this specific aircraft?

    In addition to what Kris said, I’ll answer this specific part of your question. “Checkouts” are FBO and insurance-imposed requirements. They are not the FAA’s. Even if you never even saw a 210 in your life, from the FAA’s point of view, with your ASEL rating and your high performance and complex endorsements*, you are welcome to hop into a 210 with your loved ones and go take a trip. Not particularly wise, but definitely legal.

    * lack of understanding of the difference between rating and endorsement is probably the cause of at least 80% of all logging question confusion and a good number of command authority questions)

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  3. TonyGio on Aug 06, 2013

    Kris and Mark,
    Thank you for the replies. This clears up the question I had. I should have been a little more clear in my initial question, by no means would I take a 210 solo having never been checked out in one. I was simply looking for cost effecient ways to build my hours and since I fly in a cessna 210 very often I am making sure that I can legally log the time that I actually fly the aircraft. Also thank you for the clerificatin on building cross country time.

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  4. Brent on Aug 06, 2013

    To expand on Mark’s point about checkouts being an FBO/insurance construct, it’s possible the original poster was confusing the idea of a checkout with a type rating. The Cessna 210 is not heavy enough to require a type rating, though, so the single engine land class rating would be sufficient for the purpose of 61.51(e)(i).

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  5. Mark Kolber on Aug 06, 2013

    Could be Brent. But a type rating appears on the pilot certificate and requires a Practical Test with an FAA Inspector or Designated Examiner so it “should” be difficult to confuse the two.

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