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3 Answers

G 4 pilot recurrent

Asked by: 2909 views Commercial Pilot, FAA Regulations

I,m SIC G4 pilot. my last flight was MAY 2011 and inital traning was done on NOV 2010 . total hours 1300- 250 on G4.  I applid for G-IV SIC pilot job . What Do I need to do to be current on G-IV?

3 Answers

  1. Ale on Jul 31, 2013


    To answer you, we need to know the FAR you are operating under (91, 135, or 121)?

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  2. ALMUSA FAHAD SSAD M on Aug 01, 2013

    We operating under part 91

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  3. Ale on Aug 01, 2013

    Part 61.55 (b): Second-in-command qualifications.
    Within the previous 12 calendar months, you must have:

    1. Ground School on the following subject:
    (i) Operational procedures applicable to the powerplant, equipment, and systems.
    (ii) Performance & limitations.
    (iii) Normal, abnormal, and emergency procedures.
    (iv) Flight manual.
    (v) Placards and markings.

    2. Simulator or aircraft training on the following:
    (i) 3 takeoffs &three landings to a full stop as the sole manipulator of the flight controls;
    (ii) Engine failure procedures and maneuvering with an engine out while executing the duties of pilot in command; and
    (iii) Crew resource management training (this is not a ground school but CRM integrated within the sim or A/C training).

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