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GoPro airplane mounting

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Hello, I'm now flying Socata TB20 Trinidad and using GoPro Hero3 to capture my flight in cockpit. I wondered that my GoPro can mount outside my airplane but I'm not sure which mounting kit that i've to buy. TB20 is a low-wing aircraft so it can't mount on strut like high-wing airplane. I've heard that it can mount at tiedown ring or mount with the screw with the wing. I've found these two brand that might suit my aircraft but i'm not sure which one is better and how to install it. http://nflightcam.com/store/index.php/gopro/nflightcam-gopro-billet-mount.html http://www.rammount.com/Gallery/goprohdmountedairplane/tabid/4308/Default.aspx Can you give me some advice? Thanks, Chanavorn Bangkok,Thailand.

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3 Answers

  1. Jim F. on Jul 20, 2013

    I just bought that ram mount combo for use with a Sony HDR-AS10. How do you expect you use that with a TB20??? You mentioned yourself there’s no strut, and I’m not seeing anything else that could work.

    As for the other mount, I’m not familiar with it, but…

    With both of those mounts stock, they’re technically illegal per the FARs. You can only use external mounted items without FAA approval or an STC if it requires no tools to attach and detach. That being said, with my RAM mount setup, I replaced the stock hose-clamps with some that have wing-nuts, so no tools required. (I will also say that I have yet to hear of any pilot receiving a violation for improper mounts, as they’re used all the time.)

    For your needs, if the aircraft owner allows it, I’d just use the adhesive mounts and sick ’em on. I’ve talked to many pilots, mostly aerobatic, who do just that and have a handful of cameras stuck on. If the surface is properly cleaned and prepared, those sticky mounts hold just fine form even extreme operations.

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  2. chanavorn on Jul 20, 2013

    Thank you very much Jim!
    I think I’ll use the original suction cup with ducttape around it.
    So it won’t illegal to DCA regulations.

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  3. Artemas on Jun 01, 2015

    Jim was right in 2013, however the FAA has published a letter concerning this and the main point is if it isn’t a MAJOR change it is not illegal. Very vague both ways but I read it that way. Google this for the FAA letter: _export_sites_avweb_02_data_media_pdfs_FAA-camera-memo

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