8710-1 Form I did a mistake in the table of the flying hours?
Asked by: Xavier 8481 views Private Pilot
W I wrote in my logbook two flying times in a cross country space, but fine I fix it in my logbook, but not in my IACRA 8710-1, when I got to take the check ride I thought everything was fine I signed and submited. Saddl,y I failed the test and I I'm getting ready now and I saw that problem that I count two flying time in cross country space, that they are not cross country, they are solo flights. Now What can do to fix that once sent? or I can change that in the second time when I go to take the test again? I dont want ptoblem with the FAA and nothin like that? the erroneus hours is 1.6 flght time that i count incorrectly
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