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4 Answers


Asked by: 5932 views Airspace, FAA Regulations

Why do some approach chart mins. list RVR and some in statute miles? Example: 600 -18  (18 = 1800 RVR), 600 - 1 3/4 (1.75 miles)   Thank you for the feedback.  

4 Answers

  1. John D. Collins on Jul 03, 2013

    Not all runways have RVR (Runway Visual Range) sensors installed. RVR sensors are installed parallel to the touchdown zone on runways served by air carrier aircraft and an ILS, usually Category II or III. The maximum RVR value is 6000 feet. They usually provide a more accurate determination of visibility for the touchdown zone.

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  2. Dan Chitty on Jul 03, 2013

    If the approach chart lists only RVR numbers and RVR is out of service, I am assuming you use the visibility reported on the ATIS/AWOS/ASOS. Is this correct?

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  3. John D. Collins on Jul 03, 2013

    Yes or as reported by the tower. The approach control person can issue you a current value. For commercial operators may continue the approach to minimums if the visibility drops below minimums after passing the FAF. A good controller knows this and will tell you to contact the tower at the FAF instead of giving you the bad news if the visibility is popping up and down. That way, by the time you contact the tower and get the bad news that the RVR has dropped below minimums, you can continue the approach. A part 91 operator doesn’t need to have the minimum visibility to continue the approach.

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  4. Dan Chitty on Jul 03, 2013

    Thank you John for the great explanation. Much appreciated.

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