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100 hours inspection with ads

Asked by: 10705 views FAA Regulations

I'm a private pilot, getting my instrument rating , I have something not that clear about the 100 hour inspection , due to a personal case .

i understand that the 100 hours inspection give a grace time of 10 hours just if this time is used to take the airplane where the inspection is gonna be made. 

I flew an airplane for 3 hours flight ,  but was my mistake not to review the logbook maintenance , and then realize that the aircraft had 0.8 hours left for the 100 inspection.

I was told and I want to know if it is right, that this time could be taken as a time taking the airplane where this maintenance is going to be made . But what is really worried to me is that this aircraft has an ADS and they don't have grace time , that's why as soon as the 100 hours is complete this aircraft is not longer airworthy .   

i know it is a violation to the FAA  but what is the consequence or result of all of this ?

and if I was not receiving any instruction it still apply to me , is not just when the aircraft is used to give instruction ? 

I would be greatful if someone could help with this ....

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1 Answers

  1. Mark Kolber on May 22, 2013

    Couple of items for general information:

    1. The 100 hour inspection doesn’t apply to rental aircraft unless it’s being used for flight instruction or transportation of passengers for hire. So, if no instruction for hire; no harm, no foul. If you were receiving instruction, it’s a problem for your instructor and the flight school/FBO.

    2. The AD is a different issue. You can’t overfly an AD (with exceptions that are not applicable based on what you said). If caught, it could conceivable lead to a certificate action.

    The FAA’s sanction guidance table indicates a 30-180 day suspension potential =if= there were an enforcement action. Even if caught, there are administrative alternatives such as warning notices (sort of like a warning on a traffic stop instead of a ticket). (I did a presentation a few years ago on the FAA enforcement process; it’s a bit dated since it’s before the Pilot’s Bill of Rights but if you’re interested, it’s here: http://www.slideshare.net/mjkolber/faa-enforce-mark-2008).

    What you might want to consider is a NASA ASRS report. The “get out of jail” aspects (violation, but no sanction if you qualify) aside, this sounds like they type of thing that should be reported there – an inadvertent miss that pilots should be aware of.

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