Gaps in Procedure Track on Approach Plates
Asked by: Mike Meadows 3627 views Airspace, FAA Regulations, Instrument Rating
I have noticed on some approach plates that the procedure track, the heavy bold line from the IAF to IF, to the FAF sometimes is continuous, and sometimes there is a gap. Any idea why this is so? An exampe is the RNAV (GPS) RWY 35 at KSGR. Why is the line not continuous between the IAF YEYUS and the IF CAPEK?
It does not seem to coincide with an altitude change. I'm not asking about transition routes, those are different. Does it have something to do with being a certain distance away from the runway threshold? I calulated that the IAF, YEYUS is 15.5 nm from the runway, ie greater than 10 nm. The MSA in this case is 25 nm, so its not that.
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