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2 Answers

Making a request to transition into another airspace.

Asked by: 4172 views Airspace, Private Pilot

I have some short bit of how to make this request just would like to have some clarification on it mostly being I never have been in Class C or even B airspace. The plane I trained and received my PPL in is not equipped with a transponder.

Next Friday I am planning to take my mom and friend of mine up for a ride in the Cessna 172 the FBO I work at owns. I plan to do it in the early evening and fly up around Indianapolis. I'm aware of international's class c airspace. How would I go about asking Indy approach to fly around in their airspace on the western side of the city including downtown? Should I say Indy approach, Cessna 23049 would like to transition into your airspace and fly around west of downtown at so so feet with information whatever? I know once they give me the squawk code I am cleared to enter whereas with B airspace in addition with the squawk code I have to also hear "Cleared into Class Bravo airspace".

Thanks for the help,


P.S.- I work as a line person at the FBO. Hopefully I didn't confuse anyone thinking I fly for them. :)

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2 Answers

  1. Ron Klutts on May 03, 2013

    To clarify you don’t need a clearance to enter Class C airspace, as long as they respond with your tail number, even if they say Nxxxxx standby, then you have established communication. That said you probably won’t need to give the ATIS code as you aren’t landing at an airport they control and you have it close on the request. Just say transition to the West and other major route of flight info. They just want to know what your route might be so they know what to expect.

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  2. Aaron on May 03, 2013

    I live in Denver, and I constantly like to fly over downtown in the evening. the downtown area is at a shelf of the bravo there, and as you know Denver has some very busy bravo airspace. I usually just request a bravo clearance and tell them I’m taking pictures over downtown. it’s usually the fest way to explain it so I can circle the area. Ron however is correct, you don’t need a direct clearance to enter class Charlie airspace. you only have to establish two way communication with the controlling facility. unless they specifically tell you to keep clear of their airspace, once they say your tail number you’re cleared to enter the airspace. I would say something to the extent of “Indy approach Cessna N##### is (location) at ( altitude) and would like to circle the downtown area within your airspace” or you could use my picture taking example. either way, once they say your tail number you’re cleared to the airspace. just be sure to give them your location a nd altitude, especially if you don’t have a transponder. That way they can identify you on radar. Have fun!!!

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