Making a request to transition into another airspace.
Asked by: Lionel Wilkinson 4172 views Airspace, Private Pilot
I have some short bit of how to make this request just would like to have some clarification on it mostly being I never have been in Class C or even B airspace. The plane I trained and received my PPL in is not equipped with a transponder.
Next Friday I am planning to take my mom and friend of mine up for a ride in the Cessna 172 the FBO I work at owns. I plan to do it in the early evening and fly up around Indianapolis. I'm aware of international's class c airspace. How would I go about asking Indy approach to fly around in their airspace on the western side of the city including downtown? Should I say Indy approach, Cessna 23049 would like to transition into your airspace and fly around west of downtown at so so feet with information whatever? I know once they give me the squawk code I am cleared to enter whereas with B airspace in addition with the squawk code I have to also hear "Cleared into Class Bravo airspace".
Thanks for the help,
P.S.- I work as a line person at the FBO. Hopefully I didn't confuse anyone thinking I fly for them. :)
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