Can Scud-Running Ever Be a Safe Practice?
Asked by: Matt Jackson 5908 views Commercial Pilot, General Aviation, Instrument Rating, Private Pilot
While working towards my commercial certificate an instrument rating, I have done a number of "low" cross country flights, but they all were atleast 3000 feet AGL with 6+sm visibility, to avoid obstacles and other various dangers of "scud-running." However, I'm curious if there are ever situations where scud-running is a relatively safe practice. I can think of a few rare examples, such as flying a sea-plane over open water, but in general I don't know how often, or ever, it would be safe due to unforeseen obstacles, tower light outages, etc. However, the bulk of my flight experience has been in the northern Ohio area, so I do not know if this practice is ever accepted in different regions of the country or in different types of aircraft.
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