Full time to finish commercial…ideas for location/time
Asked by: Kev Hughes 3139 views General Aviation
hey guys...
So I have finished up my PPL and IFR... I have to double check my logbook but I have about 125hrs all done. So half way there, so I am planning to just take the time off, leave my city and go somewhere and smash out fulltime the final part to finish my commercial as I have a SIC job lined up for when I finish up my commercial single/multi. I am thinking I should be able to get it all done in about 8 weeks if I have good weather and I can get a plane but you guys have any ideas of where would be a good and cheap place to go where I can get all that done? I was thinking maybe Cali, should have pretty good weather for June/July and I can go get it all done quickly. Please any feedback on ideas would be appreciated. Thanks.
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