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4 Answers

Out,in,off,on time

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Private Pilot



i've seen in logten pro that we can enter 4 differents times for a flight : out time, off time, in time, on time. But what is the difference between these times ?

For me, off blocks time = out & on blocks time = in time.

Thank you :-)

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4 Answers

  1. Kris Kortokrax on Apr 14, 2013

    Consider the following two definitions:

    Flight time means:
    (1) Pilot time that commences when an aircraft moves under its own power for the purpose of flight and ends when the aircraft comes to rest after landing;

    Time in service, with respect to maintenance time records, means the time from the moment an aircraft leaves the surface of the earth until it touches it at the next point of landing.

    Out and in times would appear to document flight time for the pilot.

    Off and on times would appear to document time for maintenance.

    Many airplanes have squat switches tied to the Hobbs meter and only record time in flight.
    Same thing for many helicopters, the Hobbs only records time when the collective is raised.

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  2. Huvelle battiste on Apr 14, 2013

    Thank you, so Airlines pilots enter in their logbook the time out and in.

    Thank you for your ans.

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  3. Wes Beard on Apr 14, 2013

    In some FMSs, there is a page for OOOI time. Out, off, on, in.

    Out is typically the moment the airplane moves or could be the time the main entry door is closed.

    Off is wheels slowing airborne.

    On is wheels showing on ground.

    In is either fully stopped or door open.

    Some companies will pay a pilot by the hour instead of a daily rate and they use the out and in times.

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  4. JB on Apr 15, 2013

    OOOI is used by airlines for tracking crew “block” time and aircraft flight time (among other things).

    Block out is normally when you are getting pushed back. (Doors closed, parking brake off, a couple knots over the ground, and oil pressure during start).

    Off is based on a wheel sqwat switch sensor, usually the nose gear or main.

    On is when you land

    In is Parking brake set, engines shut down and finally, a door “cracked open”.

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