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2 Answers

Procedure Turn Boundary

Asked by: 4016 views Airspace, FAA Regulations

Reference (KBCB ) LOC/DME Runway 12 : The procedure turn is a racetrack pattern with 1 min. legs.

Typically there is a note to “remain within 10NM” of a fix for a procedure turn. There is no such reference to “remain within xxNM”  for this approach but there is a 10 NM ring printed on the approach plate.

When performing this PT, what are the boundaries (assume max. PT speed of 200 KIAS)?

Is the protected area only 10 NM ? Or is the protected area predicated as long as you fly no greater than 200 KIAS for 1 minute?

Thank you for the feedback.



2 Answers

  1. John D. Collins on Apr 05, 2013

    This is a hold in lieu of a procedure turn (HILPT) and the hold is anchored at the PATDA intersection, one minute turns, so there isn’t a need for a 10 NM limit, the limit is a one minute leg. The maximum holding speed below 6000 MSL is 200 Kts unless otherwise noted on the holding procedure. The holding pattern area is protected on both the holding and non holding side based on the IAS limit, adjusted to a TAS at the holding altitude, and considering the worst case wind conditions as well as buffer for delay by a pilot who doesn’t start the turns on time. There are some 31 different standard areas for holding patterns which are affected by the altitude and speed of the hold. If you want to learn more than most would care about how these are constructed, the information can be found in FAA Order 7130-34.

    The 10 NM ring on the chart is simply there for the pilot to gage distance by and is no longer part of new approach charts as it has been eliminated. It is bound to go away whenever there is a major update to the procedure as it has no relevance to any procedural requirements.

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  2. Dan Chitty on Apr 05, 2013


    Thank you for the feedback and clear explanation.



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