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3 Answers

Use FAA abroad

Asked by: 3897 views
FAA Regulations, General Aviation, Student Pilot


I am currently a permanent resident in USA but native of Italy (and with Italian citizenship). I would like to obtain a FAA Private Pilot License in Seattle, WA.

Will I be able to use it also in Italy or Australia?


Thank you!


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3 Answers

  1. Best Answer

    Lucas on Mar 18, 2013

    In Italy they do allow for a simple conversion. (simple kind of since nothing in Italy is really simple). all you need to do is go to the civilavia office nearest you with a JAA medical certificate and start the conversion process they will give you a temporary certificate with the same privileges as your FAA certificate. This will only last one year and within this time you will need to take a JAA check ride. Also this process can only be done once, so if you do not take the checkride within the year you will have to start from scratch and redo the hours as well as the written.
    I am not 100% sure on Australia but I think that they automatically convert the license to Australian which will be valid as long as your FAA license is valid. Kind of the same thing as the US.

    Cheers Lucas

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  2. lo_fly on Mar 18, 2013

    Lucas ha ragione, la conversione “di ufficio” e’ piuttosto semplice ma dura sono un anno e non e’ rinnovabile. Devi fare gli esami di teoria (7 se non sbaglio) e l’esame pratico per ottenere un PPL EASA (ex JAA) nuovo.
    In bocca al lupo!

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  3. Simone on Mar 18, 2013


    Thank you Lucas – Grazie lo_fly.

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