CFII instrument training
Asked by: Brian 9632 views Commercial Pilot, FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor, Instrument Rating
61.195(c) States: "A flight instructor who provides instrument training for the issuance of an instrument rating, a type rating not limited to VFR, or the instrument training required for commercial pilot and airline transport pilot certificates must hold an instrument rating on his or her pilot certificate AND flight instructor certificate that is appropriate to the category and class of aircraft used for the training provided."
61.129(a)(3)(i) States: "Ten hours of instrument training using a view-limiting device including attitude instrument flying, partial panel skills, recovery from unusual flight attitudes, and intercepting and tracking navigational systems. Five of the 10 hours must be in a single engine airplane."
61.109(a)(3) States: "3 hours of flight training in a single-engine airplane on the control and maneuvering of an airplane soely by reference to instruments, including straight and level flight, constant airspeed climbs and descents, turns to a heading, recovery from unusual flight attitudes, radio communications, and the use of navigation systems/facilities and radar services appropriate to instrument flight."
So my question is this: Does a flight instructor HAVE to be a CFII in order to do ANY hood work with a commercial pilot applicant?
One point to support the NO answer was if the commercial applicant was already instrument rated, then those 10 hours would already be met.
If the answer was NO, and a CFI (not CFII) did provide that instruction (legally) would that time then count towards an ATP license in the future?
It is worded differently for a private and commercial pilot applicant.
Also to throw into the mix, differences between part 61 and 141?
Thanks in advance!
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