Intersection Departure From Non-towered Airport
Asked by: Lagmanbek 7640 views FAA Regulations, General Aviation
The other day reading about departure procedures, i read about intersection departures. That got me thinking: if it's standard terminology and procedure at towered airports, then it would be ok to announce at a non-towered airport, "Podunk Traffic, intersection departure at midfield, runway 99, Podunk." Modify appropriately to the site your using, and don't entertain using such procedure on a busy day or trying to cut someone off. Mix in plenty of looking to make sure no one is arriving or departing without using the radio. But at $140+/flight hour, empty or nearly empty airport, non-busy day, it saves a few bucks and gets one out of the airport quicker.
Sharing with other pilots, some think that's dangerous maverick procedures, and others agree with the perspective above. What say you, oh wise ones of the askacfi world?
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