Re flying hours for cpl from different countries.
Asked by: chintan 4041 views Commercial Pilot
We are from India and we went to a flight school in New Zealand and have done around 120 hours which includes a ppl with dual and solo with completly certified logbook and certificates from flight school.
After that we took a break and came back to our home country to give conversion exams.
While we were giving the dgca exams the flight school got closed down, the ceo took our money and submitted bad reviews to nz embassy as a result we are unable to get our visa's for nz in a different school.
So we enquired with dgca regarding counting of our new zealand flight hours for indian cpl but they are saying that as per icao we would count only 40 hours.....
we want to know that what can be done in the above case without much loosing our money as we have already lost much of it.
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