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Waypoints on RNAV

Asked by: 10853 views Instrument Rating

If a waypoint isn't a flyover waypoint what is it? In essence whats the difference between a regular waypoint and a flyover? thanks in advanced guys!

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1 Answers

  1. Sam Dawson on Feb 10, 2013

    Flyover waypoint- you actually fly over the waypoint before making a turn, such as a MAP (missed approach point).
    Flyby waypoint you can make your turn prior to the waypoint in order to get on course.


    “Waypoints Defined. How an aircraft will fly an RNAV, STAR or SID procedure depends upon the type of waypoints and legs used in the procedure. Waypoints are normally used to indicate a change in direction, altitude and/or airspeed. There are two types: fly-over and fly-by. The fly-by waypoint is the most common and is preferred for use in designing terminal RNAV procedures.

    Figure 2: Fly-by and Fly-over Waypoints

    A change in direction at a fly-by waypoint requires the navigation system to “anticipate” the turn in order to intercept and fly the next leg. The amount of distance of turn anticipation (DTA), (see Figure 2) prior to the waypoint depends primarily on the aircraft speed and the angle of the turn. At a fly-over waypoint, the aircraft will not turn to intercept the following leg until passing over or abeam the waypoint. Aircraft speed and angle of turn will influence the resulting flight path. Fly-over waypoints are shown on charts within a circle.

    Given that some variation will always exist in the flight path, there is a much higher level of predictability and repeatability with a fly-by versus a fly-over waypoint. Fly-by waypoints also require less protected airspace than fly-over waypoints. Controllers should remember that aircraft normally maneuver inside of the turn prior to reaching a fly-by waypoint. For a fly-over waypoint, the turn will occur after reaching the waypoint. The final (terminating) waypoint of a procedure will be flown as a fly-over waypoint.”

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