Lazy eight help
Asked by: Chris Carlson 7806 views Commercial Pilot, Flight Instructor, General Aviation
I can't seem to get lazy 8s down. I had them decently when I was flying a Beech Sierra, but now I'm in a socata trinidad, which flies faster, and I can't seem to nail them. I'm always too fast and or too high when coming into the 180 deg point. I'm doing this at 12.5-13 inches and Prop is full- this puts me about 10kts below Va for that weight. My next thought is to go try it with the gear down to keep it slower? Though I'm not sure how an examiner would like that, even though I can't find anything against it. (POH doesn't specify, nor does PTS that I can tell, since it says refer to the POH)
the other trick I realized I did in the Sierra was to 'slice the nose through the horizon' at the 90 deg point. After reviewing the PTS I'm noticing tthat it states hat as one of the common mistakes made.
Any suggestions? It's getting frustrating because I'm holding off to schedule my checkride due to this maneuver. The CFI seems to just slowing saying to slow it down, but its difficult for me to have him sitting there for 50/hr saying that I'm dong it right, and he is t sure what else to tell me.
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