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7 Answers

LOC/BC approach

Asked by: 7775 views FAA Regulations, Student Pilot

Looking at the LOC/BC RWY 13 into Salem, OR, ARTTY FM/INT is depicted to be the final approach fix. However, in the remarks section it states, "ARTTY INT not authorized for final approach fix." What does that mean? If a pilot was to use time to determine the missed approach point where would you start your time if ARTTY is not the FAF?

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7 Answers

  1. Wes Beard on Jan 23, 2013

    This is rather strange to me. There is no harm in calling the Portland FSDO to get their interpretation, I would like to know what it is.

    My attempt to answer this means that you cannot legally identify the point where the LOM is located with the crossing radial from the Corvalis radial. You must use the OM or the ADF to verify that you are at the FAF. It is unclear to me if you can use the DME from I-SLE to identify it.

    This approach procedure was amended in Oct 2011 while a notam concerning the transition is dated Aug 2012. Notam states the transition from the CVO VOR and procedure turn are not allowed.

    LOC BC RWY 13, AMDT 7…

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  2. John D. Collins on Jan 23, 2013

    I guess that the CVO 359 radial can’t be used to identify the FAF, possibly due to its distance and terrain. The radial is part of a feeder route from CVO, but the minimum altitude is 4000 MSL feet along the feeder. When you complete the PT and are inbound, you are supposed to be at 2200 MSL when passing over the FM inbound and it may be too low to get a reliable cross radial at that altitude. Either the FM or the DME can be used to identify the FAF to start your descent.

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  3. Ben on Jan 23, 2013

    I would agree with the preceding comments here. The fine detail here is that (ARTTY INT) cannot be used to identify the FAF. Emphasis on “INT”….so what is an INT:

    Pilot Controller Glossary: “Intersection”…

    “A point defined by any combination of courses, radials, or bearings of two or more navigational aids.”

    In this instance the INTersection the notes section refers to is defined by two other things:
    1) the CVO 359 radial and…
    2) the I-SLE localizer course inbound.

    Using this specific combination of two navigational aids to identify ARTTY is a no-no…. most probably for reasons stated in previous answer by John D. Collins. You must use another method to identify ARTTY:

    That leaves the only suitable ways of identifying the point: ARTTY as:
    1) OM on the ADF or….
    2) DME from I-SLE ….(which I believe IS legal since it is denoted on both the Plan and Profile views with the DME “D” flags….all you need is the Localizer Course + DME and you know you’re at ARTTY).

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  4. Mark Kolber on Jan 24, 2013

    I agree with John and Ben. ARTTY “intersection” can’t be used as the FAF. The ARTTY fan marker and localizer DME distance can.

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  5. Bob Watson on Jan 24, 2013

    I’m with Mark on what could be used to identify ARTTY. I suppose you could add GPS to the list as well. But, isn’t the ARTTY fan marker only identified on the Marker beacon panel (and not the ADF indicator)? I don’t see a compass locator with it as there is for the OM on the ILS (SL @ 266 KHz).

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  6. John D. Collins on Jan 24, 2013

    Bob Watson, you are correct, there isn’t a locator beacon (NDB) at ARTTY, just the Fan Marker. So an ADF can’t be used to identify the FAF as Ben suggests. The primary possible means of identifying ARTTY for the FAF is:

    1) 5.6 DME I-LSE in conjunction with the I-LSE back course centerline.
    2) The ARTTY FM in conjunction with the I-LSE back course centerline

    An IFR GPS that qualifies as a suitable RNAV source IAW AC-90-108 could substitute for the 5.6 DME I-LSE as long as the ILSE DME location was in the database.

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  7. Jon on Jan 24, 2013

    Also, I think you can request ATC to call the intersection for you too assuming radar coverage.

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