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6 Answers


Asked by: 16910 views ,
FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor, Instrument Rating, Private Pilot

I am curious to know about the Parallel Procedure Entry for a Holding Pattern. 


When reaching the Fix and we are holding on the 090 Radial from a Fix and we have a parallel entry,  Does that mean we fly a 091 or 092 Heading for a minute outbound then turn inbound?  Or do we fly exactly on the 090 heading for a minute then turn inbound.  



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6 Answers

  1. Bill Trussell on Dec 27, 2012

    It means thatyou fly whatever heading is needed to maintain a position within the protected airspace for the fix and the procedure as issued. Assuming standard right hand turns in the hold, most of the protected airspace is on the north side of the 090 radial. The duration of he outbound leg is going to depend upon the winds at the time, again because of the need to remain in the protected airspace. The turn to inbound and reintercept of the inbound course should be completed with enough time to intercept and track the inbound course while remaining inside the “race track”. Once the entry is completed, timing of the outbound leg is set up deliberately to fly the inbound leg as close to the 1 min time as possible. Corrections to the outbound timing are encouraged on each trip around.

    You should be aware of the winds aloft from your pre-flight briefing and can plan accordingly.

    Remember the purpose of the holding pattern in the first place, marking time within protected airspace until further clearance can be issued.

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  2. Dave on Dec 27, 2012

    Yes!, when you hit the Fix, you would turn Outbound on a Hdg of 090 for 1 min +/-., or as Bill mentioned above, whatever Hdg would keep you on the protected site, which is the important thing. (to know the correction angle immediately for your first OB leg is kind of tricky though)
    You would probably have to estimate it first ,either from previous corrections you made or the winds aloft.
    Another important thing: when you start your first Inbound turn, turn 90 deg. “past” your
    Inbound (interception) course (NOT MORE than 90, as such a Hdg would bring you away from your fix), in order to intercept the IB course faster, which will also give you more time to make corrections, specially if you have a strong tailwind or maybe a X-wind for the North in your case.
    However, if you have a very strong wind from the south, it might be enough to only turn 45 deg. +/- past your IB (interception course), as the wind would probably give the plane enough of a push towards the desired course (270).

    Hope i could help a bit… 🙂

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  3. Mark Kolber on Dec 27, 2012

    There’s a frequently asked question whether on a parallel entry, one is permitted to track the navaid or must be offset like the AIM picture shows.

    Assuming this is what you are asking, as Bill indicated, the only real requirement on any hold is to remain in protected airspace. So there is absolutely no reason whatsoever not to simple track the inbound radial outbound during a parallel entry.

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  4. John skenesky on Jan 04, 2013

    Fly outbound with a heading that is reciprocal of your inbound course for one minute. After on mine do a 225 degree left hand turn (assuming std proced). This will give you a 45 degree course intercept 180+45=225

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  5. Brian on Jan 08, 2013

    I agree with Mark.

    The only thing that I have to add is that when he says there is no reason not to track the inbound radial you need to make sure to make the correction required either for reverse sensing (if you have already set the inbound course) or remember to twist the OBS after you finish tracking outbound if you want to set it up to track outbound as normal from a VOR.

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  6. Lucas on Aug 03, 2014

    Here is a video showing an easier way to stay established in a holding pattern and in particular a parallel entry:


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