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5 Answers

Logging hours in a jet

Asked by: 8785 views Commercial Pilot, FAA Regulations

What time can I log if I am sitting right seat in a jet & I do not have a type rating?


Cross country?


Total time?


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5 Answers

  1. Danny on Nov 14, 2012

    If you are receiving instruction from the aircraft captain then you could log dual turbine instruction. If you have been checked out in the aircraft and are a required crew member then you could log FO time.

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  2. Wes Beard on Nov 14, 2012

    The regulations are a little bit more complicated than previously stated. If the PIC is also a CFI with appropriate category and class they can instruct you in a jet and you can log all that time as dual turbine.

    If the jet requires two pilots, and you have complied with 61.55 you can log SIC, multi turbine, XC, actual instrument, day/night and total time.

    If the jet does not require two pilots, you can not log anything since you are not appropriately rated per 61.51(e).

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  3. Danny on Nov 14, 2012

    A type rated PIC could give you dual instruction in an aircraft (over 12500 gw) for which they are rated. So you you could log dual time received form a rated PIC in and aircraft requiring a type rating..

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  4. Sam Dawson on Nov 15, 2012

    A type rated PIC may only give that instruction under specific circumstances:


    “Question 1. What is the intent of the 61. 167(b)?
    Answer 1. Section 61.167(b) authorizes an ATP, who does not hold a flight instructor
    certificate, to give flight instruction only if the ATP and pilot are engaged in air
    transportation service. The authorization is limited in scope.

    Question 2. May a pilot who holds an ATP certificate and a BE-300 ‘type rating give dual
    instruction in a BE-300 aircraft to a commercial multiengine pilot with an instrument rating
    in “air transport service,” if the ATP does not have a CFI and the flight is to be conducted
    under part 91 operating rules? If so, could this time count towards the 1500 hour total time
    requirement for the commercial pilot to obtain an ATP certificate?

    Answer 2. We spoke to you by phone and confirmed that the flight described in your
    question is not part of an FAA approved air carrier training program approved under part
    121 or part 135. Since the flight is not part of an FAA air carrier training program approved
    under part 121 or part 135, that fact is’ dispositive of whether the ATP, who does not have a CFI, may give flight instruction,
    While section 61.167(b)(2) authorizes an ATP to give instruction when the ATP does not
    hold a CFI, the ATP would have to comply with both §61.167(b)(2) and §61.3(d)(3)(ii).
    According to §61.3(d)(3)(ii), the instruction must be “… conducted in accordance with an
    approved air carrier training program approved under part 121 or part 135 …. ” In your
    questions, the ATP is not a CFI and the flight is not part of an FAA approved air carrier
    training program approved under part 121 or part 135. As a result, the ATP may not instruct the commercial pilot. Since the ATP is not authorized to provide dual instruction, the flight time may not be counted as instructional time.”

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  5. Joe on Nov 27, 2012

    Thanks for the answers. Here is a little more information for my situation:

    The jet is approved for single pilot operations.
    The jet is operated under part 91.
    The company’s insurance prefers/requires two pilots.
    The PIC is not a CFI.

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