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The psych exam for pilots with adhd

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FAA Regulations, Student Pilot

I was a student pilot at a flight school in NJ in the fall of last year and the FAA sent me a letter saying I couldn't hold an airmen certificate afer I already logged around 15 hours of flight time before they grounded me. It seemed pretty illogical but anyway where I stand as of now is I need to get some psychological testing done (I was told it would be about $2K+) cause I was daignosed with adhd as a young kid and ive been off meds for over 2.5 years. As of right now I technically qualify as "allowed to fly" cause im not on any drugs and I passed a class 3 aviaton exam done by an AME about a year ago before the FAA requested that I had to send it back to them. I honestly don't understand under what circumstances they would ground me and request my medical back after I was already about half way through the training. The whole situation seems a bit biased and unfair, but If anyone can give me a little detail into what the psych exam entails for pilots who have had adhd that would be helpful so I can just get this testing done already, shut them up, and return to the skies again.

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2 Answers

  1. John D. Collins on Nov 07, 2012

    I recommend you discuss your situation with Dr. Bruce Chien. He is an expert, a Senior AME, and only deals with difficult cases. Call him at 309-689-5242 or email him at bbchien@comcast.net . His website is http://home.comcast.net/~bbchien/site/

    He will give you advice and if you wish, he will manage your case. I highly recommend him.

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  2. Grant Prellwitz on Nov 07, 2012

    John is spot on. Dr. Chien is the person to contact to find out what precisely you need to obtain for the FAA to allow you a medical certification.

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