Asked by: MARVIN YOUKHANA 5953 views FAA Regulations, General Aviation, Private Pilot, Student Pilot
I watched an oral on youtube that seemed pretty comprehensive. They said that you base altitude selection on Magnetic Course. The way Magnetic Course was explained to be determined was True Course +/- Variation. He explicitly asked "What if you were going to fly the V176 (176 derees magnetic) airway, and determined your altitude to be 7,500 (based on Manetic Course), and winds from the right caused a 10 degree correction, now you're Compass Heading you're flying (assuming +/- 0 deviation) is 186, wouldn't you have to change your altitude to Even thousands plus 500?" and the answer was (according to this examiner) No, you would select altitude off of Mag. Course. All the Jeppesen Products(knee board, E6B) show TC +/- WCA= TH; TH +/- VAR=MH; MH +/- DEV= CH. The ASA products show TC +/- VAR=MC; MC +/- WCA=MH; MH +/- DEV=CH
The youtube Exam (which was 1.5 hours long, so I noted the time to fwd to so you can see what I'm talking about 1:09:39
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