Tips for cosswind landings; Landing on Centerline; and Turns about a point/S-Turns
Asked by: MARVIN YOUKHANA 11884 views General Aviation, Private Pilot, Student Pilot
I've been having a heck of a time landind correctly in crosswinds. Ive been using the crab to wing low (side slip) method. What do you recommend on that? Part of the PTS is xwind landing both ways: 1)Crab (on final) then straighten it out and lower upwind wing and straighten longitudal axis with rudder, or; 2)Foward slip then straighten it out before touchdown. Which of the two do you recommend? I figured from a commercial standpoint (which is what we all aspire to become) the Crab to "Wing-Low" Method is more preferrable so the people dont feel squished. Ive even hear about doing a Side Slip all the way in, and I've tried but i always end up to far upwind.
That bring me to my second question, Landing on Cenerline. I used to land left, now I land to the right ever since I first went Solo.
Lastly, I feel stupid for asking, but do you have any tips for . Turns about a point and S-Turns? Especially right turns.
In advance, thank you for your help
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