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2 Answers

Pivate Pilot training in a complex a/c

Asked by: 5080 views Flight Instructor, Student Pilot

I am a CFI & I own my own complex airplane (Mooney 201).  Is there anything that preculudes me from giving my wife her Private Pilot training in this a/c and her using it for her final checkride?  I have found nothing in the FARs other than her needing a complex a/c endorsement to be legal to fly a "complex airplane" under 61.31.

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2 Answers

  1. Wes Beard on Sep 11, 2012

    Yes it is legal though not advisable to train your wife in a complex aircraft for the private piulot license. She will have to have a complex endorsement before she solos as well as the other required student pilot endorsements.

    Learning to fly is complicated enough in a simple trainer like a PA28 or C172. Throw in some complex aircraft systems and it may be overwhelming to her. On the other hand, there is something to be said about training in the airplane you are going to fly after your private pilot certificate, if you and her understand that training will be more complex and she is willing to pursue it in the airplane… I say go for it.

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  2. Curtis Ide on Sep 12, 2012

    I agree with Wes but to add a little input you may want to consider the following pros/cons:


    Cost of your aircraft per hour vs renting a 172 etc.
    Cost of insurance change to perform training in the aircraft.
    I would estimate that your wife will take about 25% more total time in training. ie. instead of the average 60-70 hours it will take closer to 100 hours. Solo will take an estimated 40 hours or more as you will likely go through most of the private pilot training before feeling comfortable allowing her to solo and possibly before insurance will depending on your policy.
    The oral portion of the practical test will be harder which is a little more stress to an already stressful situation.
    Training wear and tear on the airplane : Might need new brakes, tires, and lights quicker than normal.

    She will have experience in the aircraft she will fly after being certificated which will be safer and allow her to fly the aircraft by herself on the insurance policy (more than likely)
    You use your own aircraft to do the training instead of paying someone else and can do some of the training on normal trips.

    Fly up to solo in a rental aircraft and then switch to your aircraft after she has learned landings.
    Call the insurance company to see the difference in the cost to allow training in the aircraft.

    Good luck

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