Helicopter private pilot as a new pilot rating and how do I prepare for orals?
Asked by: Rick B 3983 views Helicopter, Private Pilot, Student Pilot
This is my first endeavor into flying and I love the experience so far. I've dreamt about flying helicopters all my adult life and finally am able to afford the cost. Most students in the discussions here are add-ons to an existing rating. My question is how detailed will my orals be as I am a first time pilot. I have the ASA-OEG-H oral exam guide and Scweizer Helicopter Pilot Textbook set to study from in addition to all the FAA text material. I'm homeschooling it and working with my CFI. What else can I do to practice for the orals at this stage and roughly 85 hours under my belt? I'm training in a Hughes 269C and think its a great training helicopter. How many fixed wing type questions will come into play if any? What about Robinson questions? Are they fair game for the examiner to ask?
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