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4 Answers

GPS and RF

Asked by: 20913 views Instrument Rating

The approach to Medford Oregon has GPS and RF required. What does RF mean?

4 Answers

  1. Nathan Parker on Jul 17, 2012

    Radius-to-Fix capability.

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  2. John D. Collins on Jul 17, 2012

    The approaches to Medford that use the RF legs RNAV (RNP) RWY 32 and RNAV (RNP) Z RWY 14 are not standard GPS approaches and require special pilot authorization. They are not allowed to be flown by FAA Part 91 users and they are not included in the popular GPS unit databases.  The RF (Radius to Fix) leg is a curved path between two waypoints, where the center point of the radius is off to the inside of the turn and equidistant from all points on the path.  The RF leg type is considered an advanced capability and can be used in RNAV (RNP) or RNAV (GPS) approaches.  The current GPS manufacturers do not support this type of advanced feature and do not permit any approach which uses them to be included in the database.  The first RNAV (GPS) approach that includes a RF leg will be published this month at KCRQ RNAV Y eff 26 JUL, but it won’t be able to be flown. 

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  3. Wes Beard on Jul 17, 2012

    Many of the latest FMS (flight management systems) software updates that include WAAS capability still don’t quite have these advanced capabilities.  The latest Collins and Universal FMS’s installed in the aircraft I fly are lacking this technology.
    Boeing Business Jets (BBJs) have FMS installations that support these approaches and some the airlines are getting this technology.  These approaches are SAAAR approaches meaning Special Aircrew / Aircraft authorization required from the FAA. 

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  4. Jody Keydash on Jul 18, 2012

    Thank you for your great explinations. 43 years as a CFII and 28 with the airlines, and I’m still learning especially with all this new technology. Its mindboggling at times.

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