Logging PIC while receiving instruction
Asked by: Michael McCracken 11345 views FAA Regulations
Hello guys,
I went flying last week with an instructor to get current on the Remos GX LSA so that I can rent that aircraft from the flight school that I did my Private Pilot training (in a C172). Although I was the "sole-manipulator" of the controls, I also logged Dual Received. The flight school that I rented the plane from says that you have to have instruction time logged to be able to get current on that specific aircraft. FAR 61.51 (e)(1)(iv) states that "A sport, recreational, private, commercial, or airline transport pilot may log pilot in command flight time for flights when the pilot performs the duties of pilot in command while under the supervision of a qualified pilot in command."
Can I log this as PIC even though I'm logging it as Dual Received?
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