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3 Answers

Instrument Ground School

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General Aviation, Instrument Rating

I am looking into getting my intrument rating and am not sure on which ground school to use. I plan on doing ground school first and taking the written test then doing the flight training. Most likely will get some x country out of the way while doing the ground school. I am planning to do an online one, but am not sure which one. The few I have seen are sporty's, king, and Cessna flight training. I used Cessna for my private pilot. Which one is the best, which one will prepare me for the written test. I see king has one for the knowledge and practical and if I remember correctly Cessna had both in one course. 

Thank you for your suggestions.

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3 Answers

  1. Gary Moore on Jul 05, 2012

    I’m sure any of the programs you mentioned would provide a fine knowledge base for the written test and I’m sure they all have their dedicated followers.  But I suggest you abandon all of the online programs and get yourself to a real live groundschool.  I personally believe you will get a far better education (and enjoy it more) by being in a class of other interested students than alone in front of a screen.  The opportunity for dialogue with others, the ability to ask questions and the insights of an Instructor and other students will be a far richer experience for you.
    Ask around at a local FBO or check out your local community college for options…..

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  2. Eric on Jul 05, 2012

    Thanks, I have thought about that and wanted to do that at my local flight school. As I college student with a part time job. It is really hard to fit that into my schedule. If they start the ground school before the fall semester starts it may be able to work.

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  3. Abdel Shabazz on Jul 05, 2012

    If you are going to do groundschool first, it really doesn’t matter which method of groundschool (live groundschool or internet-based) you choose. The fact is retention of the material, regardless of which method, will fall to a very basic, rote level of understanding, simply because you will not have a chance to apply the material until you begin your flight training. Often times I suggest a live groundschool to a brand new pilot, because it fosters a strong pilot foundation, if it is conducted with the right instructor. Beyond the private pilot level, it is totally up to you to choose what suits your learning style and free time.

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