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3 Answers

DA40 prop RPM

Asked by: 7998 views Aircraft Systems, General Aviation

The POH for the 2004 Diamond DA40 calls for the RPM to be reduced to 2400 for the climb.  In the POH nothing is mentioned about the Hartzell prop, only the MT prop.  I have read that there is an STC in the back of the POH that allows the Hartzell prop the be run at 2700 continuously, but I have not been able to find anything there though.  Does anyone know where any documentation can be found on this or if it is legal and if it harms the engine?  This is still the original two blade Hartzell prop.



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3 Answers

  1. Wes Beard on Jun 03, 2012

    According to the installation manual for the Hartzell prop STC, the green arc on the tachometer was changed starting at 500 RPM upto 2700 RPM.  The green arc is the normal operating range and should allow you to use it during climbout.  I don’t have a DA40 PIM to see what the original  prop operating range was.

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  2. Daniel Hayes on Jun 03, 2012

    Thats exactly what I was looking for, thanks!

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  3. Jeff Owen on Jun 06, 2012

    The 2400 rpm limitation applies only in very early production DA40’s equipped with the “round tip” blade MT props. The limitation had nothing to do with mechanics but was a way for the airplane with that prop to meet very restrictive Euro flyover noise regulation. The rpm limitation disappeared with every prop installation after that including Hartzell 2-blade metal, Hartzell 2-blade ASC composite, and “schimitar” 3-blade MT props.
    As the AFM http://diamond-air.at/da40-180_afm_bas+M52087573ab0.html still shows 2400 max continuous rpm limitation but the 2700 rpm chage is detailed in various supplements related to different prop installations. People often miss this.
    Bottom line if if you dont have a “round tip” MT propeller, 2700 max continuous is approved. Always refer to complete and up to date manufacturer documentation specific to the airplane you are flying. One of the previous posters mentioned PIM (Pilot’s Information Manual?) This is a reference document only which is only valid on the day that it is printed; is not subject to revision service.The only document that should be relied upon is the an up to date current version of the AFM (Airplane Flight Manual).

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