Private Pilot, flying with employers aviation equipment and using it for testing
Asked by: Matt Cadwell 4371 views FAA Regulations, General Aviation, Private Pilot, Student Pilot
I am currently a student pilot working towards my PPL, and will be a private pilot in the next month or so. I work for a company that develops products that are to be used in an aircraft. There are temporary, carry on electronics.
Sometimes, I will take our products with me and use them for personal use. This is a perk of the job.
However, I am considering the option of bringing the equipment with me during my training flights (and then my personal flights) and having the company use the data from the flight for testing and development. In my mind, there are two scenarios:
- I bring the system, and the company does not pay me or pay for any portion of the flight or related expenses
- I bring the system, and the company pays for all or part of the flights expenses
At no point would I be paid specifically for flying - it would only ever be reimbursement for the expenses.
Question: Are any of these options acceptable for a student/private pilot? Is there any scenario where I could bring the equipment and allow the company to benefit from the flight? What if the sole purpose of the flight is to test the equipment?
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