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6 Answers

How can I know when my approach plate will expire?

Asked by: 14892 views General Aviation

I bought my new version 10 days ago and I don’t know when my approach plate will expire. If Jeppesen revise their approach plate every 28 days, how can I tell when it was the first day?

6 Answers

  1. Lucas on Apr 30, 2012

    Generally approach plates expire every 56 days and the valid dates are published on the first page of your plates. If I remember correctly on Jeppesen plates these dates are published in red.
    The reality of it is that approach plates expire even before they are published. Lets say you fly out of LAX and are going to be shooting an ILS to runway 9 which has a decision altitude of 200 feet AGL, but 2 days ago a building roof collapsed at the approach end of said runway. A 250 foot crane was placed there to fix that roof as you can imagine continuing the approach to 200 feet would be quite unhealthy.
    I remember when I use to do student exams as a Chief Flight Instructor for a 141 school, one of the questions I would always ask the student was: :are your approach plates current?”
    I don’t believe anyone ever answer that question correctly. All of them pointed to the date on the plates to show me their validity.
    The only correct answer is: “yes because we are still within the valid dates and there are no FDC Notams to show there are any changes to them”.
    Always check the valid Notams (FDC Notams in the case of changes to any type of chart) to make sure all of the data you have is current so you can always be sure to have a very safe flight…
    for more information on approach plates check out our free demo on approach plates at
    Pledging you America’s best
    Chief Instructor

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  2. Ami on Apr 30, 2012

    Dear Lucas thank you for the quick answer… My last approach pleate didn’t include the RAD Page which usually guides me. Now what can I do? 

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  3. Lucas on Apr 30, 2012

    If you still have your old approach plates you can go by the date on those, (adding 56 days to the exp. date of them), that would be the easiest way.

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  4. Micah on May 01, 2012

    With NACO plates, the expiration is on the front of the book. With Jepp plates it is different, depending on your subscription, but generally Jepps expire when they are replaced or updated. It has been two years since I was subscribed to Jepps, but mine list only a date for which the the plate became active or was revised. See the linked image for two Jepp plates; the only dates are the effective dates of the plate
    You should have received information from Jeppesen with your subscription that describes the process (and effective dates). If not, you may be able to find that here:
    The first two links provide a calendar of effective dates (these are different services). Also, this link provides a useful resource for learning to read the plates

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  5. Kyle Joseph Ferris on May 22, 2012

    I also believe that an approach plate can be current well past the effective date. If there are no FDC notams and with the new update, the approach plate still has the same Ammendment number, it can be valid for a long time as long as no adjustments are needed. Sometimes approach plates can stay valid for years without ever going through a change.

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  6. JAMAL NAAS on Dec 24, 2012

    on the effective date you still have two approach plate , the old one which expired on that day and the new one started at the same day, the correct time to use the new plate is if you are approaching the FAF on 09:01Z or after

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