IFR Flight Plan w/ “VFR Pick-up”
Asked by: Jon 4459 views FAA Regulations, Instrument Rating
I had my oral exam for my ifr practical test yesterday and my DPE told me about a private pilot (non ifr rated) who had recently had his/her oral who mentioned that he had been filing IFR flight plans with "VFR Pickup" in the notes section. The testee would then pick up a clearance and fly the flight in vmc with controllers following and treating the flight as if it were an ifr flight.
My DPE has never heard of such a thing and neither have I; has anyone here heard of such a thing or is this student either
(a) flying ifr against regs
(b) lying to the DPE.
I'm also planning on giving the local FSDO a call to see if they know anything about a "VFR pickup". I will report back my findings.
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