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Can I charge for consulting on a flight with a commercial license, but without holding a CFI rating.

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Commercial Pilot, FAA Regulations

I was wondering if it is legal to charge for helping another commercial pilot learn commercial manuvers if I do not log the time. The individual in question has come to me and asked me to help him learn to perfect his commercial manuvers with his own aircraft. I did not advertise to him, his wife knew me and we met through her. He knows that any time spent with me is not going to count toward CFI training and that I cannot make any endorsements for him. My job would be to simply sit there and watch. I was wondering if people could give me specific FARs that relate to this question.

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6 Answers

  1. Ron Klutts on Apr 25, 2012

    Interesting topic. Since he’s already a licensed pilot he’s going to log the time as PIC and as a Pax you get to log nothing so all the time counts for the commercial trainee as if he was flying solo. I practiced with another pilot that was already a Commerpial pilot to point things out as it helps.

    The question is can you get paid for that? I think you can since you are a commercial pilot and aren’t offering dual. There’s no law against helpful suggestions as far as I know.

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  2. Kris Kortokrax on Apr 25, 2012

    What you really need to ask yourself is what the value will your “sitting and watching” will be.
    It appears that the other commercial pilot is seeking a Flight Instructor certificate.  61.195 (h) sets the requirements for persons giving training to a first time CFI.  While you’re not technically giving “instruction”,  any demonstrations or suggestions you might make will tend to impart some transfer of knowledge or skill.  If your mastery of the maneuvers is sub par (and I’m not saying that it is), then you might pass along bad habits to your friend that will cause his CFI to spend time to correct.
    Also, there is more to the CFI than merely performing the Commercial maneuvers from the right seat.  One needs to be able to simultaneously perform and explain the maneuvers, as well as be able to detect and correct errors made by his prospective student.

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  3. Bob Watson on Apr 26, 2012

    So, the other pilot wants to pay you to be a passenger?I suppose that’s up to them. But, I must be missing something, because if they are going to pay someone something, why doesn’t he/she just pay a CFI?

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  4. Curtis Ide on Apr 26, 2012

    Technically if you are a commercial pilot he can hire you to fly his aircraft so there shouldn’t be any legal issues with gettting paid for riding along or even flying the aircraft. 
    However, from the other side I am not sure what the consequences could be if something were to happen during the flight and your role was considered as more of an instructor and you are held liable? Not sure just throwing out thoughts.

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  5. Matthew Waugh on Apr 26, 2012

    You are not, in anyway, exercising the privileges of your certificates. You just happen to have pilot certifcate(s) while you ride in a plane. The FAA could care less and you can be paid whatever the other pilot thinks you’re worth for being a passenger and possibly providing some commentary.
    Other posters have addressed the wisdom of the arrangement, but hey, cash is cash.

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  6. Katerena Thul on Apr 27, 2012

    Thank you for the answers everyone I really appreciate it! Just a small background on myself I’m only about 2 weeks out myself from my CFI checkride so I’m doing this to help educate myself as well as to help him. The main reason I bring these particular manuvers up are because these are what he most wanted to work, specifically Lazy 8’s and Chandelles. He couldn’t find a dependable instructor and was impressed with the ground school lesson that I presented to him to help him out.
    Anyways, thank you again! I appreciate all of your help!

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