Private Pilot/glider rating to Sport Pilot/airplane
Asked by: Baja 5674 views FAA Regulations
Hi Everyone,
I am studying to become a CFI and the following hypothetical was given to me: I am a Private Pilot with a Glider rating with 100 hours in glider. I have no time in heavier-than-air aircraft. I want a Sport Pilot with Airplane Category, single engine rating.
Under FAR 61.313, Sport Pilot, I must have 20 hours flight time with at least 15 hours flight training in single-engine airplane and 5 hours of solo in areas of operation as appropriate for airplane.
Is it correct that none of my Private Pilot/Glider flight time will go towards fulfilling the 20 hours flight time required under 61.313? Thanks for taking the time to consider this.
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