121 IFR currency valid for 91 flying?
Asked by: Christian Young 9471 views Commercial Pilot, FAA Regulations, Instrument Rating
I'm a 121 first officer (SIC only) and was curious if my 121 training makes me IFR current for my recreational 91 flying. If so, how do I show that currency.
I do understand that an approach is an approach no matter what plane I'm in, however it is possible to go 6 months without shooting 6 instrument approaches, holding, and intercepting and tracking of courses and radials in the 121 enviornment. For this exact reason all airline pilots enter recurrent training every 6 months where all of these requirements are fulfilled.
This is where my question comes in (and why i emphasize 121 training). My airline (American Eagle) does not fill out log books for our initial or reccurent training. So in some cases there is no personal record of my 'instrument currency' if I needed to show currency for part 91. All I could say is I'm an airline pilot.
How would I show that I am IFR current for 91 purposes? Should I just log the approaches, holding, etc. that I do in the sim during my reccurent training? I am aware of the exemption in paragraph (e), but that is specifically for 121, 135 etc. not 91.
Thank you for your help!
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