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4 Answers

Goodyear inner tube issues

Asked by: 7603 views Aircraft Systems

Has anyone experienced this issue?  One of my students had a nose gear tire failure on landing.  Outcome was ok but painful given that it happened at night.

Aviation Safety



SUBJ: Landing Gear, Tire Tube. Goodyear Aviation Tires, Flight Mate Butyl SAIB: CE-11-47R1

Inner Tube, 7.00-8.00-6. Date: January 30, 2012

This is information only. Recommendations aren’t mandatory.


This Special Airworthiness Information Bulletin (SAIB) alerts operators, pilots, and aircraft manufacturers of

possible inner tube failures made from butyl rubber by Goodyear Aviation Tires, (Goodyear).

At this time, the failure of the inner tubes is not an unsafe condition that would warrant airworthiness

directive (AD) action under Title 14 of the Code of Federal Aviation Regulations (14 CFR) part 39.

The SAIB has been revised to incorporate updated information from Goodyear and highlight inner

tube failures are not limited to only cold weather operations.


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4 Answers

  1. Steve Butler on Feb 02, 2012

    I spent several years with Michelin and while I didn’t have anything to do with aircraft tires and tubes, I had to determine the cause of failure of every passenger, truck, and off the road tire that came in for adjustment for a large section of the country.  In general, hot weather is much more likely to be a problem for tires than cold unless there is an existing defect.  The most likely pilot induced problem during cold weather would be what is called pinch shock from a tire that is severely under inflated.  A tire that is at the proper inflation pressure at 15C is not going to have that pressure decrease enough in the cold to cause a problem but one that starts below the recommended pressure on the typical fall day may be low enough that the shock of a bad landing can cause the tire to flex so much that the tube can be pinched against the rim.  But, if the impact to the nose wheel is great enough to cause this in a tire that is not already flat, I don’t want to be in that aircraft.  My experience is several year old, but unless Goodyear’s philosophy has changed considerably in the interim, I wouldn’t have much confidence in their putting in much effort into really solving their problem rather than whitewashing it.

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  2. Curtis Ide on Feb 05, 2012

    I have had two goodyear tubes go bad last year and I have heard another local instructor discuss the same problem.  The tube always seems to fail at the valve stem (different airplanes).  I haven’t seen the article you posted before so it’s nice to know there is an official record of the problem.  Hopefully it will be fixed in the near future.  Getting a suprise flat tire on landing is never a fun thing. 

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  3. FIELD MOREY on Mar 07, 2012

    I operate 2 Cessnas, a Skyhawk and Skylane.  Both are 2008 models.  In the last 28 months I have had 7 (Seven) flat tires.  3 Nose Tires and 4 Main Tires.  All were attributed to pin holes in the tubes, mainly up the sidewall portion of the tubes.  The dates on the tubes were between 2007 and 2009.

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  4. mark@nye.ca on May 02, 2017

    I pinched a tube too!

    I had a slightly wonky take-off in a strong and gusty XW last Friday. AC drifted to the left and skipped a little bit. Then a slightly wonky landing same day with the same XW from the right. Nothing major, no impact or hard landing or anything, just kinda wonky and not very elegant. Later in the hangar, I could hear the left main leaking air. Turns out the tube was pinched between the rim and the tire. I can see the pinch marks and one pin hole. Tire pressure was checked a couple weeks ago so I don\’t think they were under inflated. I am not impressed with the design of the tires and rims if they can pinch a tube so easily. C185 Amphibian. 6.00-6 Goodyear tires with STA butyl aircraft tubes. 6.00-6 TYPE III.

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