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6 Answers

Multiple Add-on Ratings??

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Commercial Pilot, General Aviation, Instrument Rating

Ok everyone this ones a doozie !!!

I currently Hold a Private (ASEL) and a Commercial Instrument For Helicopters. I would like to obtain the Commercial and Instrument add-ons for my Airplane rating, which are strait forward enough as I currently meet almost all of the Aeronautical Experience requirements for the Instrument add-on (except for the 250NM IFR cross-country 61.65(d)(A) and I still need 10 of the 15 Hrs of dual instruction that are required to be in an Airplane.

 I also currently meet or exceed all of the Aeronautical Experience requirements for the Commercial add-on rating except for the 10 hrs Complex time 61.129(3)(ii) and the 300NM VFR Cross-country 61.129(4)(i).

I'm Fortunate enough to own my own Piper Cherokee 180 which is IFR legal (with a VOR check) so I could in theory use that for my IFR add-on and to do the 300NM cross-country for the commercial add-on, which would save a ton of money, but I will have to Learn the maneuvers for the Commercial in a complex aircraft while burning up the 10 required hours complex time.

This all seems simple enough, as I could do the add-ons individually or together with not too much complexity, but (and heres the wrench in the gears) What if I also wanted to add-on a multiengine? I'm interested to see if streamlining this is even possible by doing all the IFR Commercial and Multi time together and taking one big checkride, or if its more feasable and streamlined to add the Instrument and commercial (together or seperately) first, then worry about the Multi-engine add-on?

While I welcome all responses, I would really prefer responses from MEI Pilots who are familiar with add-on ratings.

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6 Answers

  1. Best Answer

    Wes Beard on Jan 28, 2012

    If I am understanding you correctly, the end result is to have a commercial license with ASEL, AMEL, RW-Helicopter with an instrument in helicopters and airplanes.
    This is what I would do in you specific situation.  I would fly your airplane, the Cherokee 180, for the instrument airplane rating.  
    I would then transition and get your commercial multi-engine rating next (you don’t have a Comm ASEL yet) and this complex airplane will suffice for the 10hrs necessary as you stated “in an airplane”.  The really cool thing about this is that an ASEL complex airplane will not be required for the Commercial ASEL upgrade as you already demonstrated the complex operations on your multi-engine exam.  (Note.  This doesn’t work the other way… unfortunately).
    I think this way will be the cheapest option for you.

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  2. Nathan Parker on Jan 28, 2012

    You can’t do one big checkride,  although you could do them all the same day, probably.  But I think that’d be a really bad idea.   Why put yourself through the stress of preparing for three orals and three flights on the day of the checkrides?
    Wes’ advice is a better course of action.  Focus on one rating at a time.

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  3. Kris Kortokrax on Jan 28, 2012

    Order 8900.2 limits the DPE to performing no more than 2 practical tests in one day.

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  4. Thomas Vaillencourt on Jan 29, 2012

    Thanks for the replys guys!
    Wes, your suggestion makes great sense, and yes- that is the end result I am looking for, However I forgot that the commercial ASEL and AMEL were seperate. For some reason I got it in my head that the multi would cover both. Thanks for reminding me! (duh ..LOL) The good thing about that is that I can also use my 180 for the commercial ASEL upgrade since the complex wont be necessary. One thing I forgot to mention was the difficulty in my area of finding a complex single to train in, so I just figured it would be best to just use the twin for everything, but it would be expensive.
    I also thought that as long as all the PTS items were covered, one checkflight would be able to cover everything.

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  5. Thomas Vaillencourt on Jan 29, 2012

    As a side note the 10 hours “in an airplane” I mentioned was in pursuit of the Instrument add-on. I already have done five hours of the 15 required in category for the add-on. I figured I could combine the 10 hours for the Commercial ASEL complex requirement with the remaining 10 hours of Instrument to save $.

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  6. Lance on Jan 29, 2012

    One other option would be to do your Commercial AMEL first (just have the VFR only restriction on it), then add on your ASEL and instrument in your Cherokee.  Would double up your complex and airplane time that way.

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