4 Answers
Adding a class or category?
Asked by: Donald Vang 21620 views Commercial Pilot, Helicopter, Instrument Rating
I currently enjoy the privileges of: Rotorcraft/Helicopter-Private, Single Engine-Private, Instrument-Airplane, Multi Engine-Commercial (received in that order). I am currently working on adding: Instrument-Helicopter. If I am interpreting FAR 61.63 (c) correctly, I am not required to meet the training requirements but require a sign off by a qualified flight instructor saying that I am proficient to take the practical test. This is how I interpret the FAR since by definition adding Instrument-Helicopter is an additional class added to my airplane-instrument rating (class-helicopter, category-rotorcraft). The flight school that I am conducting my training out has always made it mandatory to conduct 15 hours of training with a CFII to comply with FAR 61.65 for the add-on. After posing this question to the flight school they are unsure what is "actually" required by the FAA.
If this is what is meant the difference is flying the amount of hours to make my instructor feel that I am proficient versus the 15 hours required by FAR 61.65 which could be a substantial difference in my wallet. I spoke with the General Aviation POI at our local FSDO and did not get a "warm-fuzzy" feeling that he understood my question. His answer was to refer to the PTS, which is a great answer once all requirements are meant to fill out the IACRA form but does no good to get to that point. Since I must do what the FAA requires it makes little difference how I understand the regulation but I was curious if anyone could shed some light on the subject or point me in a direction to help decipher what the FAA wants. Obviously, I want to prove to the FAA that I can safely operate an aircraft in instrument conditions but after 2.8 hours with my instructor she feels that I am proficient so I don't want to waste and additional 12.2 hours at $250 an hour.
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