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5 Answers

Biannual expired

Asked by: 23780 views Private Pilot

Hello.  I possess a Private Pilot Certificate but I haven't flown in more than 2 years.  I realize I must obtain a FAA Medical first, but do I also have to take a course and do my license test over again?  I hear about the biannual but since I haven't flown in a long time I know it does not apply in my case.





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5 Answers

  1. Matthew Waugh on Dec 18, 2011

    You need to meet the requirments to act as PIC. In your case,as you rightly determined, you need a current medical. You also need to have completed a Flight Review within the past 24 months. Then there’s the rest of the PIC with passengers stuff you’ll need if you want to carry passengers.
    You can have been out of flying for 20 years – all you need is a current Flight Review for the FAA. You can take a Flight Review with an instructor.

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  2. Best Answer

    Jay Ellis on Dec 18, 2011

    You don’t need to complete the checkride all over again. All you need to regain currency is to log one hour of briefing time on the ground and one hour of flight time with a CFI. This is a minimum of course, if you haven’t flown for a couple of years you might have to do a bit of proficiency training before the instructor cuts you loose. He will decide how he wants to run the flight, but if you meet standards and he feels that you’re proficent he will sign you off for another two years. This is a standard flight review. I suggest you get in contact with an instructor and have a list of questions you want to ask him or her before doing the review. Also, don’t forget that if you want to carry passengers you must log 3 takeoffs and landings every 90 days. 
    For reference you can check out FAR 61.56 and 61.57 (http://www.faa.gov/regulations_policies/faa_regulations/
    Hope this helps,

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  3. John D. Collins on Dec 19, 2011

    Technically, you don’t need to obtain a current medical to take the 61.56 flight review or dual flight instruction as long as the instructor acts as the pilot in command. However, you will need it in order to act as pilot in command yourself, so you might as well get your medical before the flight review. The aircraft has to have dual controls to use it for the flight review if you can not act as pilot in command, which you can’t without a current flight review and a current medical. The rules have recently changed for conducting a flight review in an aircraft with a throw over yoke, but you have to act as pilot in command to permit this.

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  4. Earl Kessler on Dec 20, 2011

    I would like to add that we no longer call it a Biennial Flight Review. You will find the term now used is Flight Review, designed by the FAA to encourage pilots to get training more frequently than once every 24 months. A good test is if some other pilot just got 2 hours of training after not flying for 24 months, would you be willing to send your family along for a ride with him? I would suggest every 6 to 12 months that you get a flight review. Make sure your instructor covers topics that you are rusty or weak on so that it is a valuable learning experience.

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  5. Luis Ricci on Dec 20, 2011

    Thank You Guys, I have a much better idea now.

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