What does the 2 hours mean for the 2 dual cross country commercial requirements
Asked by: Matthew Beyer 9674 views Commercial Pilot, General Aviation
FAR 61.129(a)(3)(iii) and (iv) say "One 2-hour cross country flight in a single engine airplane in daytime conditions that consists of a total straight-line distance of more than 100 nautical miles from the original point of departure". Does this mean the entire flight can be 2.0 hours, OR does this mean the 100nm from point A to B needs to be 2 hours? I had a DPE that said from point A to point B needs to be > 100nm AND that must also be >= 2 hours. In other words if you did A to B and back home to A, it would be like 4 hours. He suggested doing the 2 hours out day, then wait and do the 2 hours back night to cover both. Seemed odd to me.
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