How soon can I get my IFR?
Asked by: Garrett Jacob 4198 views Instrument Rating, Student Pilot
So I just passed my Private Pilot Written Exam. My plan is to get my IFR ASAP....I have it scheduled to fly 3 days a week. Im looking at about 4 or 5 months until my pilots license. Would you recommend me starting my Online Ground School on for my IFR before getting my actual license, if so how long before. Its going to be December, I'll have my license about April...when should I start OGS for my IFR?
I have the time! I'm only 16 years old and im so driven to learn to fly! I dont feel like id overwelm my self..its been said to enjoy the flying & step away from the training but as soon as I sit in that cockpit im enjoying it! i enjoy it all! The training will get a break after my IFR. I just dont want to be limited to VFR
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