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Best aviation navigation app for iPhone?

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Commercial Pilot, Flight Instructor, General Aviation, Instrument Rating, Private Pilot

I am a CFI (CFII and MEI), and I really like the ability to have a moving map when flying IFR, it is a tremendous help to situational awareness.  Despite my employer's advertisement of a "modern fleet," all we have are mid-1970's Warriors with basic /A equipment, including ancient King KX170B radios that have no standby frequency function.  I recently upgraded to an iPhone in order to have GPS, as well as get rid of my separate phone, iPod, and GPS in the car.

There are two apps that seem to dominate; Foreflight and WingX.  I am using a trial version of Foreflight (WingX does not have a trial version). I like it, but on the other hand, I'd like to have a GUI (graphical user interface) similar of that to a Garmin 430/530.  Foreflight simply overlays your position on an Low Enroute/Sectional chart which looks kinda messy at times.  Anybody have experience with WingX or another aviation app? 

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1 Answers

  1. Ian on Nov 16, 2011

    You’ll find that WingX has pretty much the same map display. This is true of all of them, except the Jepp app, and Garmin to an extent. Jepp’s application will most closely approximate a handheld or panel-mounted GPS that you are familiar with. The rest are basically scanned charts.
    There is no good answer to which app is the best. Basically, the one you find most user friendly is the best. WingX continues to innovate with new features, and has split-screen capability, whereas ForeFlight has a nice easy interface. Each has strengths and weaknesses, in other words.

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