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Commercial Rotorcraft pilot seeking Commercial Fixed-Wing Add on

Asked by: 13318 views Commercial Pilot, FAA Regulations, General Aviation, Helicopter


I am a Commercial Helicopter Pilot planning to obtain a Commercial Fixed-Wing Add-on. Are the requirements the same for a Fixed-Wing Add-on as they are for the Fixed-Wing initial? I understand the Total Time and PIC will crossover, however I wondered if any of the specific aeronautical requirments, such as the complex time or cross-countries were different.


Thank you,



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6 Answers

  1. CFI Academy on Oct 17, 2011

    Hi Nicole,
    This issue has been discussed earlier here:
    Even though the previous discussion was specific to AMEL, but the same applies to ASEL as well. In case your question was specific to ASEL.
    No complex required, however, there is some x-c requirement though.

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  2. Nicole on Oct 17, 2011

    Where exactly does it say no complex required?

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  3. CFI Academy on Oct 17, 2011

    My bad! lol. Complex required! oops.

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  4. Nicole on Oct 17, 2011

    So, is it all the same requirements as for the initial?

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  5. Lance on Oct 17, 2011

    In short, yep, all the same requirements as initial.  Your are correct that your total time crosses over, but anything specific to airplanes in the regs you would need.

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  6. Isabelle George on Oct 21, 2011

    A Commercial Pilot License (CPL) or, in the United States, a Commercial Pilot Certificate, is a qualification that permits the holder to act as the Pilot In Command of a single pilot aircraft, or as co-pilot of a multi-pilot aircraft and be paid for his/her work.The basic requirements to obtain the license and the privileges it confers are agreed internationally by International Civil Aviation Organization, ICAO, however the actual implementation varies quite widely from country to country. According to ICAO, to be eligible for a Commercial Pilot Licence, the applicant must be able to read, speak, write, and understand English: already hold a Private Pilot Licence, have received training in the areas of a Commercial Pilot, and successfully complete the relevant written exams. To proceed in obtaining a commercial pilot license, you must first obtain second-class medical certification. The JAA has several approved courses leading to the issue of a JAA Commercial Pilot’s Licence with an Instrument Rating without first obtaining a Private Pilot’s Licence. Upon completing those prerequisites the applicant will then receive an exam from the governing aviation body that consists of an Oral and Practical flight test from an Examiner. Applicants for a CPL must also have completed a solo cross-country flight of at least 300 nm with full stop landings at 2 airfields other than the pilot’s airfield of origin.

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